If you are a Veterinarian register with us and get access to the biggest Pet Care ecosystem in USA. This will help your clinic attract newer pet owners. Online is the new way to market your services. And it is true for all veterinarians.
As the reputation and quality of your service and specialization gets spread through online network you can attract more pet owners and treat more pets thus increasing your income manifold. You can also provide online service through our yet to be developed online consultant program, where any pet owner can get in touch with a veterinarian and discuss the pet condition.
If the issue is simple veterinarian can provide his consultancy through our online interactive chat service and charge for it. This opens the market for veterinarians to whole of America.
Any suggestions on features are welcome. If interested you may participate in our Beta testing, mail us your contact details we will get back to you.
Note: Beta testing is limited to select veterinarians and we do not guarantee enrollment to all those who have contacted us. We regret if you are disappointed.